Since photo blogs are way more illustrative than my writing can sometimes be (aka, I'm exhausted. Two day blog break.), here is a short collection of the favorites so far. This gallery sampler exhibits my and my mother's strengthened ability to take pictures of one another because we don't like asking randos on the street. You never know who might take your camera and run, or just take a really crooked, poorly lit shot that wastes everyone's time.
We're making memories through the lens, all around the Bosphorus.
All today, all out of order.
Frame of reference: We stopped by the Arkeologi Muzesi (my Turkish is awesome), Gulhane Park, and the Mausoleums behind Hagia Sophia (a MUST see, that's even free but poorly publicized.)
Outside the house |
View from a parking lot |
Flashlights on flashlights on flashlights.
Just what I wanted to buy upon exiting the tramway. |
Mosaics from Nebuchadnezzar's Palace. |
Go 4th century BC Cats! |
Gulhane Park. I call this "Forced Smile on Lion" |
We are so lonely in pictures. |
Armenian Church since 1901.
Claims to be world's first... Not buying it. |
Aladdin status. |
There's a really old body in there. |
Mom looks good in blue. |
Circle scarves and mother of pearl doorways.
Leading to many more sarcophagi. |
The prettiest cemetery I've ever seen.
Apartment decor inspiration? |
You can't buy a burial plot here.
Royal family only. But, they can't even SEE it. |
Marble faces tend to win staring contests. |
I'm on par with the tour groups from Asia (sans double peace signs) when it comes to point-and-shoot obsessive behavior, making sure I get every last shot - twice. You never know when and if you'll be back and nothing will look quite the same twice.
Other highlights and lolights of the day included much public transportation (tired feet), a nice carpet seller named Hussein who showed us videos he took on a recent trip to America ("I'm crazying for New York.") and the worst 'sandwich' ever at the Archeology Museum, only made better by the fact I saw the oldest coolest gravestones ever (we're talking 2800 years).
Magnum ice cream bar for breakfast was a lifesaver considering I spent the first four hours of the day feeling woozy and out of body. Maybe I shouldn't even brush my teeth with the water? Maybe men here should wear deodorant before holding the ceiling handles on the funicular? I assimilate weakly and my nostrils should be more tolerant, I suppose.
Check out my facebook album for more!
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